Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you...

Without a short read to get through. LOL

I know that I've been gone for a minute, but it's been a very hectic time for my family and myself. With the Holidays, and getting everything situated for our own little place on Earth, things have been in motion non-stop. My always on point wife has been on a mission collecting the right elements in furntiture and functionality, myself on the daily grind, and Brandon always growing and learning and keeping us on our toes, all the while dealing with the rest of our families for the holidays.....TWEEET!!! Time out. But we all know that there is no Time Out in real life. So we do what we have to do, and keep it moving.

Luckily for me, I have a quick moment to reflect on the happenings of the past year. I am so very thankful for all the things that I have been able to be a part of with my family and friends in 2009. I am thankful for all the opportunities that I have been given to be involved in your lives, and even more thankful for the opportunites that arise that show that you want to be a part of mine. I am thankful that I have the ability to see where I can learn and grow from this years experiences, whether they be good or bad. I am thankful that I have a solid support system at home that keeps me grounded, and no matter how high I want to fly, they're always there to make sure I land safely.

I wish for all of you the same support that I've been given.

Aside from taking better care of myself physically, eating healthier, exercising regularly, and getting a good amount of rest, for this upcoming year I hope to become a better me to everyone else. A better husband to my wife. A better father to my son. A better son to my mom and dad. A better brother to my sister. A better uncle to my nieces and nephews. A better relative to my family. A better friend to my friends. This sounds like a lot of work, but I think, and I hope, what it boils down to is me becoming a better me to myself. Living to the ideals of what I think a good person is. Not always doing what is easy, but doing what is right, in my eyes. I may not always perform perfectly, but I'll definitely be in pursuit of it.

Besides, I've learned that in order to truly appreciate the end result, you've got to love and learn from the journey.

In this journey, as in any other journey, (figurative or literal), it is harder to make moves when you're carrying baggage. So the first part of my journey is shedding any residual baggage that I have from 2009. Nothing but the brightness of positivity to light my path, (If you know me, you know that positive is not hard for me), and with that, I step into 2010 gleaming, ready for the challenges that I know will arise. Because no matter how smooth we try to make things, something always comes up. ALWAYS. But that's life, I'm just thankful that I've been given another chance to make life a better place. 2010 I hope you're ready, because I know that I am.

Planting the seed: To all my family and friends-Life is not going to wait for us to figure things out, and then move forward. We've got to move in order to make life what we want it to be. I don't have all the answers, but I have the energy, so let's create something that will sustain our families for a long, long time. Together, we'll figure it out. I know that for sure.

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